Posts Tagged ‘Glen and Deborah’

Truth about Peter Rugg

January 17, 2008


     This is my personal response to a slanderous very personal attack not on either white nationalist organization I belonged to at the time, but a very personal attack on me and my family.  An attack that put not only me, but my wife and children’s lives in very real danger, so you will notice very little if anything will be said about those organizations.  Instead the focus of this story, and the benefit of any white nationalist reading it, will be a better understanding of just how slimy and underhanded our common enemy can be, and just what lengths they will go to, to hurt us without regards to our families and most importantly our children.  I only pray that many of you who might be on our side can at least learn from may mistake.
     It all started back in the early spring of  07′ when I was over seeing the post office box of the NSMKC unit and I had received a couple of positive letters of support.  One of them being from a man or lack there of, that went by the name of Bobby Rudd, who I later found out was actually Peter Rugg-your garden variety pinko-Communist writer for The Pitch (a long time free pro-Communist rag in KC that they almost can’t give away) who had been attempting to track the person responsible for putting pro-white literature in their paper.  That person being me.  The few times that I had actually done this and the small number of there papers that I had actually (as they put it) “tainted”,surprised me as to how much of a hissy fit they had over the whole deal.  Which just goes to show when it comes to literature distribution its not quantity of placement but quality.  At any rate he had been on this “story” since Jan. 1, 07′.  Of course at the time I did not know that’s who he was and it was not uncommon for NSMKC to get such letters of support.
     Rugg played the part very well from the get go.  He claimed he was new to the movement and had recently joined a ku klux klan group (which shortly there after I found out that he actually had under his assumed name).  His letter was particularly sincere and I accepted his hand of “comradory”.  I was a very “go get them” activist at the time (witch was probably my first mistake) and so I wrote him back with my home number enclosed (I had no other) and told him to call me.  Needless to say he did a short while later and was very anxious to meet with me in person at a bar and grill on the other side of my town. 
     Finally getting to see him in person at the bar and grill was a let down to say the least after the multiple phone conversations I had with him in which he almost always used very colorful racial epithets.  He was never at a loss for words.  Sometimes I would just sit on the phone and let him bitch.  He claims in his slanderous article that he ”purposely dressed as anonymously as possible” and that’s no bullshit.  Between his pasty, soft, chubby physic that showed no sign of ever having done any manual labor (common with most ARA pinko-Communist) and the way he dressed, he reminded me of that one 30 year old 200 pound kid with a 5:00 shadow on the short bus in junior high.  But even in public much to my surprise he was at no loss for words.  Its funny how he claims in his “story” he got choked up ever time he felt he had to say something like ”white power”, which I am assuming he claimed to cover his own ass later, for that is certainly not the Peter Rugg I knew.  In fact when he excused himself from that first meeting right before he left me there by myself he turned and shouted white power right in earshot of nearly everyone in the bar and grill.  Now knowing who he really is it makes me wonder if this was some sick attempt to get me kicked out after he left.  You see I always prided myself on carrying myself very professionally and refraining from using any such slogans or racial epithets right out in front of people I don’t know and even in my own home around my children, so as they don’t repeat them in the wrong place (any one of my close comrades can attest to this).  In fact the only time I recall using any type of language when I was around Rugg that could have been considered racial offensive was when I told him that I heard The Pitch was run by a bulldyke and he misquoted me (one of many times) by saying in his “story” that I said “The Pitch was run by gays and I just liked screwing with them.”  Anyway, this was one of a couple of such meetings in which Peter also claims later in his story that he tried not to drink very much so he could “control” the conversation.  This could not be further from the truth.  After our first meeting I noticed he drank rather excessively, and after he got a few in him it was nigger this and fagot that without regard to anyone within earshot.  He would always sweat allot to, but by now I was convinced he was just a fat sweaty slob, and not a scared little rabbit.  None of this behavior through up a red flag because I had met many newcomers to the movement just like him and had helped to straiten them out.  We also talked about many other things besides movement related issues, and sometimes I would just let him talk, or should I say ”vent”, and so he would drink, he would womanize, and he would bitch about his wife and there uneventful marriage, and then we would part ways.
     When he finally decided he wanted to come distribute literature with me was when I had him meet me at my home.  We just distributed what I had lying around which was a small stack of about 100 or 150 pieces which addressed the Knoxville murders in which 5 blacks were convicted beyond a reasonable doubt in the grizzly double torture, rape, mutilation, and subsequent murder of a young white couple out on a date.  To learn more visit  Now I realize many of the things I have said up until now are just my side of the story and thus can be disputed, but make no mistake despite the facts Peter Rugg actually says in his story “The front of the flier gave only half the intended message.  Under the heading “GRIZZLY BLOODY MURDER” was a description of a young, white Tennesseecouple ALLEGEDLY raped and murdered by a gang of five black men.”  IN DEFENSE OF FIVE OF THE MOST BRUTAL CONVICTED KILLERS IN REAL LIFE HE ACTUALLY MUSTERS UP ENOUGH NERVE TO USE THE WORD ALLEGEDLY!!!  Those made up most of the fliers, and then there were a few addressing the illegal immigration issue.  None preached outright hatred or used any sort of racial epithets like Rugg so often did himself, (trying to impress me I suppose) rather they just made the reader aware of certain facts.  As his “story” more or less states WE put some flyer’s in some pitch boxes (he really wanted to make sure we did that, which should have thrown up another flag), and we stapled some to some of those wood electric wire post.  Its worth noting I think that although he claims in his “story” that he went around cleaning up all the literature we distributed afterword like a good Samaritan, he only cleaned up The Pitch boxes.  The literature we stapled on post stayed up for at least two weeks after.  I know cause’ I drove by them on my way to work every day.         
     Peter Rugg demonstrates beautifully who The Pitch really cares about.  The Pitch does not even care about there readers, and why should they?  Their shit rag is free and so they get nothing back from the readers.  They don’t even care about Peter Rugg, they just used him to get back at me.  The Pitch knew they had fired all of their guns in that one story based on what Rugg had “uncovered”, just as much as they knew that it might very well be Rugg and his family that would feel the recoil for years to come. 
     The last time I saw him was when WE distributed that literature.  After that I did not here from him again until he made that phone call from The Pitch in which he outed himself about a month or two later, and about a week or two before the story was to run.  The whole conversation has been recorded for all to hear against my will for years to come.  My children’s children will probably be able to hear my pathetic defense, but what can I say?  I had been had by a liberal shit rag that had an ax to grind with me for many years for the ultimate evil of, as they put it, “spreading my hate”(although I had never actually used the word once in all of my meetings and conversations with Rugg).  Right away I knew something was up when I started seeing The Pitch come up on my caller I.D.  The first time I answered one of these calls I was totally caught of guard, but not surprised to hear Peter Ruggs backstabbing voice.  I was right in the middle of reading my children a bedtime story, and I knew right at this point The Pitch held all the cards.  I freaked, I’ll admit it.  But instantly it was not for myself and for three reasons only-my wife and two children.  There was no telling how much of my personal information The Pitch was going to print, but one thing I knew for sure is they wanted to print everything they legally could to try to get my family hurt or even killed.  For the time being I felt I was at their mercy and they had none to give.  
     Fortunately nothing ever happened to either of my children or my home.  Although he never printed my address, he did however describe what my home looked like to a T, along with the town I lived in so that someone might be able to find it I guess, I know of no other reason.  As it turns out (and this is really cheap) he actually got a picture of me with his camera phone.  Of course in the picture my back is turned (surprise, surprise!) as I was walking into the bar and grill we met at.
     This attack no matter how cold or calculated unfortunately for The Pitch had little or no effect on me personally.  My family, my work, all my friends, and everyware I went, everyone knew what I was all about.  I kept it no secret.  One only had to look at me to figure it out.  I was not, and am not ashamed.  My wife however has not always shared my same beliefs.  Sympathetic to most at best.  She was definitely no activist, never belonged to an organization, never put any fliers in The Pitch.  But I’ve always loved her just the same as if she had.  Her only crime?  Being a good, supportive, wife…the best, and an even better mother.  She is the reason I write any of this or even care about the story written about me.  She is the reason I have always kept a low profile.  There is no amount of hell on earth I would not crawl through for her.
     Rugg had met my wife once briefly while we still had a friendship, and she was nothing but nice to him.  For that he made sure she was mentioned in the article.  He mentioned exactly what she looked like in exact detail so there would be no mistaking if a reader ever ran into her in the streets.  Why…?  My wife had an important position of relative authority at her company and as soon as one person at her job read the article everyone that she got along with before stopped talking to her, and people she worked with stopped respecting her as much.  Many of her friends and family have stopped talking to her.  I believe this has caused her to feel some resentment toward me weather she wants to feel it or not.  The Pitch had fired at me and hit my wife.  He did not spare my mother, father, or brothers either.  He tried to make it sound as if they were all sympathetic to my ideology.  As much as I wish I could say that were true it is not and they all despise white nationalism but only love me as a good son and brother.  My family has always had very strong family values.
     So while I’m sure Peter Rugg sleeps much better now thinking he helped The Pitch smash a Nazi or whatever he wants to call me, he actually helped to strengthen my resolve to the point were I feel more conviction towards both white nationalism and identity Christianity than I ever have before in my life, and in the process ruined someone who had done nothing to them, and (here’s the really funny part) actually read the The Pitch regularly for rock concert updates(which is not the content white nationalist have a problem with).  I know some NS skinheads that read it for the same reason.  So if your reading this Peter, put that in your crack pipe and smoke it!
     I love my wife and children more than anything.  It’s a kind of Nazi love that only one who does not just associate us with ”hate”could understand.  Bottom line is, The Pitch felt hatred…no, more like malice toward me for what I had done and they took it out on my family.  They were not trying to infiltrate the ku klux klanor any other organization, they were trying to infiltrate me and my family.  All they needed was one of there most moraless, scummy writer’s to sell out there family and even their soul to get the job done.  That’s were Peter Rugg-scum writer extraordinaire came in.
     I noticed Peter Rugg  wasted no time in trying to get my response right after the “story’s” print (trying to revel in any misery he may have caused me I suppose).  I can assure him I had always planned on it but through my own channels, and good things take time.  Also I take great comfort in knowing that this world is allot smaller than we give it credit for.  Someday I know I will see Peter Rugg again in real life with nothing but air between us, and Peter, myself, God, and pretty much anybody else who has read his “story” knows he has written checks his ass simply cannot cash.
                                    LEGALIZE FREEDOM OF THOUGHT
-Adrian Trentadue

Addresses of Peter Rugg’s parents

December 5, 2007

Walter A & Karen M Rugghome
1413 Sixth St, Apt A
Orion, IL 61273-9784
309) 526-3177

Peter Rugg is the typical low-life writer who writes for a worthless Jew-owned newspaper called the “Village Voice”. In the past Rugg has covered such perverted topics such as where to pick up hookers and the death of porn stars. His parents must be proud Peter has chosen a career of trash writing after four years of college.

I found the following information at

Peter Rugg – 1999 graduate of Alleman High School in Rock Island, Ill. 2003 graduate of the University of Iowa. Works at the Village Voice.

Rachel Gottschalk Rugg – 1998 graduate of Burlington High School. Library associate at Mid-Continent Public Library in Lee’s Summit, Mo.

The parents of Rachel Rugg are Glen and Deborah Gottschalk.

The parents of Peter Rugg are Walter and Karen Rugg.